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The Compasso d’Oro is awarded
to Nathalie

The bed Nathalie, designed by Vico Magistretti in 1978, has been awarded the XXVI COMPASSO D'ORO ADI
as ADI (The Association for Industrial Design) and the award’s Jury have recognised it as the “indisputable protagonist of Italian Design Culture”.

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The prize was presented on September 9th 2020, to Massimiliano, Cristiana and Manuela Messina, during a ceremony in the new ADI Design Museum – Compasso d’Oro, Milan. The official motivation for the prize was: “Typological innovation in the textile bed sector, over the years Nathalie has epitomized functionality and poetry”.

It is the first time ever that the Compasso d’Oro prize has been presented for the Career of a Product, and Flou was rightly proud and extremely honored to receive the award for Nathalie, the original modern textile bed: this bed was an esthetic and functional revolution, a watershed moment in the history of furnishings; and even today, following more than 40 years of successful existence, it remains unique and inimitable.



This commemorative book is dedicated to Nathalie and to Flou and illustrates the 40-year journey taken by the first and most famous textile bed produced by a company that created the "culture of sleep".
The descriptive articles and the images present the evolution in taste and customs over the decades. The book highlights the most important milestones in a partnership that began back in 1978 between designer Vico Magistretti and industrialist Rosario Messina.
Their energy burst from a rich and highly stimulating dialogue and the combination of their imaginative forces created something truly original that previously did not exist.
They were driven by a desire to surpass established shapes and esthetic styles, and their ability to observe the everyday with new eyes resulted in the textile bed Nathalie, the very first example of an innovative product.
It unquestionably revolutionized how we sleep and marked a ground-breaking moment in the history of contemporary furnishings.